Wednesday, February 21, 2007

All Clear


Just got back from Union Sq and the Dr visit. Took and x-ray, she felt around, I moved my arm around, everything fine.

I'm still feeling a huge sense of relief...

I definitely smacked it - probably right on the plate - and the wood on titanium sound is what I heard "pop". A good reason right there to have the hardware taken out, she said. The residual soreness a result of the impact.

And it is still sore, but essentially I would not be able to do the things I can still do if it were broken.


So! Back to it!


So yeah, playing BB King's tomorrow night with Quinn doing the Rita Hayworth show with a big band playing charts by Tedd Firth. Peter Retzlaff is on drums so that will be cool.


Here we go again.

(you've GOT to be kidding me)

I will know more later today, but it is entirely possible that I broke my collarbone again!

In a different place this time. And not all the way through i.e., I can lift the arm and somewhat function, albeit with stiffness/discomfort/pain. The irony being that I had just seen my Dr last week and everything was looking good.

How did this happen may I ask?

It happened Sunday at a rehearsal for Quinn's Thursday night gig at BB King's on 42nd St. I was playing upright and the neck of the bass just clipped my left shoulder at one point when the bass was at an angle.

I thought I heard something, and it definitely felt different, but what could I do? It wasn't life and death and I could still play, so I finished the rehearsal (2 more hours).

Timing was a bitch, it happening on a Sunday before a holiday. Finally got ahold of my doc yesterday and will see her today with an x-ray.

Which has meant:

Sunday: come home, eat, veg out, crash
Monday: in denial, play some flute, guitar "it's not that bad"
Tuesday: i think it IS broken - still can't see dr

the uncertanity and emotion of being down again hits - a bad day, yesterday


clarity (later today that is)


Another irony to this is that my last post of the anniversary of the accident stood up there solo way too long.

I've been pretty busy since getting back from Athens at the New Year. A smattering of gigs in January and continuing to work on the shakuhachi as I close in on the final lap of the program with my teacher Jim.

The bateaux was in drydock until feb 10, and we have done a half dozen gigs since it's return.

And I have been getting some things for the "home studio", preparing a dedicated, partially soundproofed room to be able to record the many things that I have to record.

I'll check in later -