Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Kurahashi Sensei

Having a great time these past couple of weeks getting a chance to play with - and hear - Yoshio Kurahashi.

He comes to the states from his home in Kyoto, Japan to teach and perform twice a year. You pay a lump fee and get to attend as many classes as you choose (and he is teaching an incredible 24 1.5 hour classes over 2 weeks), as well as one private lesson.

I'm just about to turn around and leave to go back down to Brooklyn Heights for the evening session (the Bateaux is in wet dock this week). This will be my eighth class and I'll get in a few more this weekend. Great opportunity.

The morning session today was the Sankyoku piece Iso Chidori. A nice piece.

My study with Jim has now brought me to the "Optional" Level Honkyoku and I am a little more than halfway through that. So I chose a piece from that book, an interesting piece called "Ifu Sashi". I'll have more to say on that later.


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